He STILL doesn't get it!!!

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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:22 pm

hrtpaul wrote:Yeah I'm with you Paul. It's not worth the aggrevation and wasting time on some individuals, not just on forums but life in general. Seriously just let it go Ray. Don't bother feeding trolls mate. There's no point sayin anything cos nothing will change over yonder. Now lets get back to building shit, I mean models yeah :)

You are of course absolutely right Paul, (as is Tony in his post). Quiet frankly, I am done with the whole AMI bullshit. Nothing will ever change over there, certainly not under it's current management. As many will know, since day one of A/CAM, I have tried my level best to establish and maintain good, friendly, and respectful relations with AMI, (and in particular, David Harvey). On many occasions I have attempted to offer the hand of reconciliation and friendship, (and this is despite of the disgraceful way I was treated in my final days on that site......I am sure we all remember that!!!). I foolishly thought that, despite previous history, we could let bygones be bygones and start a fresh. It was indeed my wish that AMI and A/CAM, (ie: David and I), could work closely and harmoniously together for the collective good of our shared membership, sponsors, and the hobby as whole. I now realise how wrong, fundamentally flawed, and futile that vision was. David has accused me of many things, not the least of which is having a "grudge" against AMI, (when nothing could be further from the truth)...... it's now patently obvious to me just exactly where that grudge actually lies. So that's it, I am done. To quote David, I REALLY don't care!!. The on-going VLAT/LAT "feud" is done and dusted, and it is now time for AMI to go off into the sunset and do it's thing, while we here at A/CAM continue to do ours. Thanks for the memories AMI.....see ya around. It's now back to the modelling.....I have a Concorde, P-3, and Gulfstream IV all calling me back to the model desk.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:27 pm

Nillus wrote:I'll add something too.

Please remove me from the membership of A/CAM.
Not sure if abusing someone on a public forum is a good idea especially if you wish to increase membership.
However, it's your website.

Goodbye & good luck.

Roger that Salty.....not quiet sure who/what you are a actually referring too, (I am assuming perhaps the Wedgie post, in which case I make absolutely NO apology or retraction and stand by my statements. As you know, this individual has been a long-term antagonist and "keyboard commando" and has taken every possible opportunity over several years to bait and provoke me. Call it my "return serve"), but anyway, your wish is my command.
As far as membership numbers are concerned .....you win some you loose some....such is life.
Goodbye to you, thanks for your past contributions, and safe flying. You are welcome back here anytime Salty.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby scotty100368 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:58 pm


Puttiing it diplomatically,

Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one!

Accept it, respect it, and all can move on. Amen!

Scott Garard
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:20 pm

Love ya message, and consider it done Sccotty :D . As mentioned.....higher priorities call, including the afore-mentioned Concorde, P-3, and Gulfstream IV. Model Expo is only six months away and the clock is ticking.
tor lives
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Re: He STILL doesn't get it!!!

Postby tor lives » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:43 am

Just for everyone's piece-of-mind, (including all "observers" :D )....this whole AMI/ACAM "thing" is now formally and permanently finished, done, and dusted......for good!!!. There will be no more silly, petty, childish, spats, mud-slinging, or any other BS between members of the two sites, (myself included....and yes, I am as guilty as anyone, and I accept all criticism and full responsibility for my contribution).
My final word on the matter is this.....AMI is fundamentally a good modelling site, (and as such will remain on our "links" page), indeed we here at A/CAM share many members and sponsors, (and even a Moderator), with the AMI site. As we move forward I want it to be known that I wish only the best for AMI, it's members, and sponsors. I do however have higher priorities at this point in my life than wasting any more time feuding with the "management" of AMI, (or any other site for that matter), and those priorities include settling into a new job as General Manager, evolving and improving the A/CAM site for the good of all it's loyal members, supporters, and sponsors.....and maybe even building a model or two, (that would be nice :D ).
From my perspective, AMI can go about it's business and do it's thing, while we here at A/CAM will do ours.
So now let"s all put this crap behind us and move forward.
tor lives
Posts: 4277
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:01 am


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