No more TSV ;-(

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No more TSV ;-(

Postby hrtpaul » Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:56 pm

Well it's all but official. In 2 or 3 weeks (not sure yet as these dickheads haven't got a clue) I'll be once again unemployed :cry: There is a prospect of touring up in PNG with South West Air but at this stage that won't be till March/April next year. So now I have to hit the job sites to see if I can desperately find a bloody job all over again. I don't really care what I do as there's bugger all LAME jobs around. Anything to pay the bills. So if anyone hears of something going can ya please let me know? Like I said I don't care what it is. Cheers
Head A/CAM Phantom Phanatic, Shit Stirrer and Karma Bus Driver toot fkn toot :twisted:
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Re: No more TSV ;-(

Postby tor lives » Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:40 pm

I will keep an ear to the ground and ask every opportunity I get when I am across the road at Essendon. Hang in there mate, these things have a way of working themselves out.
tor lives
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Re: No more TSV ;-(

Postby RHB785 » Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:43 pm

:( , Sorry to hear that Paul. I know the feelings of apprehension but I'm sure something will come up and hopefully pretty quickly. I like your attitude of "I'll do anything, anywhere." That was my attitude when I first got into the security game. My first security job interview consisted of being asked "do you know where Huntingwood in Sydney is?" "Yes I know it" I replied. "Good, can you be there by 1800 tonight?" I replied "Well, I might be a bit late because my car's u/s at the moment so I'll have to catch the train and a taxi" half expecting him to say "Sorry, I need someone who can be there by 1800." But he didn't. He said "That's fine, just get there as soon as you can and I'll pay you from 1800. It's a 12 hour shift so if you're 1/2 hour late I don't mind. There'll be a man called Zaidan there with your uniform. Come through and one of the girls will measure you up. Oh, and here's the address." And you know, he was true to his word and the brand new pre-washed uniform fitted me exactly with no alterations necessary. I could say "patience, brother, patience" but patience don't pay the bills that just keep rolling in.

When I arrived at the site and met Zaidan we had something in common. He'd been in the Kuwaiti Air Force and had worked on Hercs and Skyhawks and had a fairly good command of English as he'd done his trade training with the RAF and Marshalls of Cambridge so we struck up a friendship. Sometims we can't see the forest for the trees and something good came out of what was at that time a situation that could have had a not so good outlook. As Ray said, hang in there mate.

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