Hell, why not.
This is the only thing I've worked on in months. I got all the stuff together over a year ago but only decided to build it after the start of a Navy GB at the What If Modellers message board. I brought together a bunch of parts from the spares box and decided to try to bash them all together and create an aircraft. I came up with the parts and decided it would be a NAVY ASW/ patrol plane or some such.
I've since started it and I'll show a bunch of the pictures in chronological order and let them sort of tell the story. Never done anything like this before... I've never made a true kitbash or scratchbuild. I've done certain aspects of each, but never anything so "major." There are parts from 9-10 different kits and of three different scales that I know of, 1/72, 1/100, and 1/144. I've made up the difference where things were absent with plastic card and putties of various types.
I call it the "P-4 Pluto."
Most of the parts when I first got it all together:
I even bagged it and made a box with box art:
I let it sit around for months until a Navy group build came up and I figured since this was a Navy thing I'm trying to make, what better time to get it going.
This is, in pictures, how it has gone down since:
Changed things along the way....I completely re-did the back portion of all this mess and this was the start of it after I cut out a bunch of plastic that didn't look right:
THAT took awhile to correct and I'm still working on it. It's almost done, though. I just slathered on what I believe will be the last round of putty before a final sanding then it's into primer again and likely right into paint soon after I correct any problems hilited by the primer.
This is the last update picture I have of it. I've done quite a bit more work in general since but nothing that really stands out to be worthy of new pictures. It's uhhhh.... well... it's turned out to be quite the little airplane.
If anyone is interested, there are more pictures and the ENTIRE story here, and it's public veiwing so no need to sign up or anything: