737 scimitar winglets & engine update set available

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737 scimitar winglets & engine update set available

Postby Tony P » Fri May 02, 2014 3:46 pm

Authentic Airliners is about to release their update set for the Revell 1/144 737-800. As you know the kit engines are based on the -400 series engine nacelles. Contrails do an engine replacement but can be a bit rough. Knowing the work Kurt does, these should be a great addition.
I have no association with AA but have a few of his kits and can advise they will be of a outstanding quality.
Capt Stu, any idea if Virgin will update the winglets on their jets with scimitars? Ray/Salty will QF do the same? Apparently it saves 2% in fuel burn.
Here is an example if a scimitar winglet on a 737.
api-split-scimitar-winglets-bb_11195819.jpg (66.61 KiB) Viewed 3802 times

I think they look good. As Dylan alluded too earlier, someone will knock one off with a truck.
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Tony P
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Re: 737 scimitar winglets & engine update set available

Postby Nillus » Fri May 02, 2014 4:44 pm

I have no idea what QF's intentions are, TOAM.
It looks as though they may be a very expensive (but cosmetically beautiful) add-on.
In this day & age it all comes down to airframe down-time & unit + engineer cost for fitting Vs fuel savings over the rest of the life of the jet. Figures for this I have no idea, but 2% sounds very attractive.
The best bet would be for the manufacturer have it installed as a production line option to maximise benefits for airliner cradle-to-grave.

However, Boeing/Airbus would probably just copy if with minor changes to avoid a patent infringement.
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Re: 737 scimitar winglets & engine update set available

Postby Capt NG » Fri May 02, 2014 4:54 pm

We did look at them, but decided against. We are getting the 737MAX in 2019 and they'll come fitted to that.
It's hard for me to get used to these changing times... I remember when the air was clean and the sex was dirty..
Capt NG
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Re: 737 scimitar winglets & engine update set available

Postby Dylan » Mon May 12, 2014 2:21 pm

according to one of the engineers I know at westjet, they are cheaper than the normal winglets and MUCH easier to install. WJ just got a new 800 with them on. they are slightly different than the ones on the max but pretty close.
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