Here is one really outside the box for me, built to support this years ACAM EXPO table display.
Jett (Jet in Australia) Jackson previously known as " Captain Midnight" in the States was a TV series in the late 50s. I have fond memories of watching it and wishing I had hand held radios with which to call SQ1 (Jet) or SQ 2 (Ickky) and if I had to, the nerdy SQ3 whose name eludes me. (I recall talking into dad's empty cigarette packets..or was that after watching Man from Uncle?..hmm can't remember)
It was all highly implausible, low budget featuring really corny Ovaltine advertising still it had a jet in it "The Silver Dart"
It is the Special Hobby 1/72 Douglas Skyrocket kit with homemade decals. I can't say I enjoyed the build or any part of the process really I guess that's why it taken the best part of 6 months to finish it. There was no way I was going to mask the bugger up and clear decal paper printed decals would not show the blue and red colours well over the base silver so I had to print them on white decal paper which of course required very tedious cutting out.
So she is rough but attractive enough from 3 feet I guess. I had been saving woolworths cartoon character dominoes trying to think of a modelling use for them.. found a use with this one!