It's about 98% finished. Not an easy model to make, but the surface scribing is amazing. If I had any talent, I'd vac form a new canopy as the kit one is too thick and wrong shape (too "balloony"). Stupidly drilled the holes under the nose for the exhausts on the wrong side thanks to the incorrect instructions - d'oop! I should have referred to the photos before drilling. Holes re-drilled, old holes bogged, just awaiting repainting under the nose. I have to scratch build the aerobatic sights for the wing tips as well - from stretched sprue perhaps.
I've added a little scratch built detail to the cockpit (minor) and split the tail features showing elevator sagging. It's finished with Gunze red underneath (should have used gloss as the matt darkened a lot when gloss coat applied - crap!). Tamiya rattle can silver used for upper surface which worked a treat.