Painfully slow progress on this one, but progess none the less.
So, at last I finally got the fuselage finish the way I like so I decided to let the thing sit and dry for no less than two weeks. I think it's been closer to three weeks, now, so that's good. I've been having paint problems with out-gassing creating crazing and the like so I'm taking steps to void it and on this build I really really don't want to wind up with a crappy finish. It's probably far from "show standard" or whatever but *I* like it, damnit, so it's good enough. The wings are a bit "off" but I'm hoping the subsequent coats of clear after I decal it will even them out.
Anyway, after all that drying time, I picked it back up today and have painted the black areas on the bottom of the engine nacelles. Easier said that done, for sure but they're on there. I need to touch them up a wee bit but they look good enough I suppose. I also painted on the red and green nav lights. At the moment I can't find any other detail stuff to paint. Some of it is covered by the decals.
Speaking of the decals, I see a problem already. The bottom part of the cheatline goes on top of the wheel wells and they stick out quite a bit so I'm going to wind up having to make cuts in the decal. I'm going to save this for another day because it's going to take concentration on my part. Kind of a bummer, really, but the sheet gives extra fields of red (the color in question on the cheatline) and blue for doing patch work so hopefully between careful measuring, cutting, patch work, micro set, and micro sol, I can keep from butchering the whole ordeal... wish me luck.
For now: