Hello chaps,
work continues in fits and starts.. while I was pretty happy with the design of the decals, application of low colour density light blue decals provided less than satisfactory results.. the problems are two fold, firstly, the clear decal (inkjet) paper resists conforming to complex curves and secondly, the light blue has very low colour density on the film and requires absolutely superb nestling down onto the white painted surface, every wrinkle shows up.
So I printed the modified design decals on white decal paper, sure this means close cutting to the colour but the colour density is uniform on the paper when applied and the film is much more conducive to fitting around complex curves, on these pics you can see the decals are settling nicely, I will keep dabbing with soft cloth, microsol and cotton buds and it will hunker down nicely. You can see the before and after shots on the engine decals, ok it is going to be fiddly and you will have to touch up with blue paint but I think that is about the best one can do with home made efforts. The white of the decal paper matches the Tamiya rattle can white very well, though I might separate the windows from the cheat line and have the windows printed on clear.